Friday 27 April 2012


Dear Bella,
Okay bro where do I start? We met... hmm tbh I can’t remember because it feels like I’ve known you ever since I was like 4...;] Bro you are amazing in every single way! On stardoll and in real life! We’ve had so many funny times LMFSAO remember... Are you “cat” (; and “Pas” -.- those times where you tease me about spelling and then you fail worse! HAHAHA I love those! And I remember when I met you this was our face O_-- Oh those were the days :D Bro I could sit here writing an essay on how much of an awesome BEST FRIEND YOU ARE :D Everyday I come on stardoll and msn I’m happy to talk to you :D and you always hear my funny stories... and you teach me about horses and correct my spelling, and teach me really confusing words and... ALWAYS say “LANGUAGE :@” for when I say something bad ;) even though I know you don’t mind that much about it ;D Bestie you are such an inspiration to everyone! When I first met you I was like omggg this girl is so amazing and nice! You were so nice to me! And then we began to hang out at our daily stardoll parties ;) YEAH BUDDY XD LMFSAO omg this is seriously an essay! If only I could be able to write this much for actual school related things -.- oh yeah that reminds me, you’re so smart :O! Omg you ace every single test you do! And you know it bro ;) I love how every time I’m sad you always make me smile at the computer like a total idiot! -.- thanks for that ;) and all the times you make me insane :@ and call me a noob, well I’m not, you’re the NOOBLING ;) MWAHAHHAA I hope you like the blog Krystal and I made! It took a lot of time and effort to make this! So you better like it ;) Krystal is such a pro with technology! I had a few attempts of this blog... Kind of failed ;) But oh well it came together so this whole thing is about your birthday yeah? I haven’t even mentioned that! IM SORRY! LMFSAO! I got carried away about how much of an amazing BESTIE you are! Okay to finish off this reallyyyy long message… I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY AMAZING BEST FRIEND! I HOPE YOU HAVE A SMASHING DAY ;) AND GET HEAPS OF GIFTS AND EVERYTHING YOU’VE EVER WANTED! But the only thing you can’t have is Louis because his strictly off limits ;)Happy birthday again Bestieee Your awesome, amazing, funny, such a noobling, insane, pretty, serious(in a good way LOL), O_--, stunning, VERY SMART, organised, hyper (when I force you to be ;D) and I’ve probably repeated myself but YOU’RE THE BESTEST BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD, omg If I haven’t had met you, oh my gawd. I can’t imagine D; How depressing that would make my life... ANYWAYS HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIIN BESTIEEEEEEEEEEEE :D ILYSFMMMMM XOXOXO HAVE A GOOD/ AWESOME DAY, MAY ALL YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS COME TRUE! XOXO

Ps: woah your old ;) but soon you'll be able to get a car, and then you can drive me places ;) Lucky-.- But instead, you can be my TAXI xD

^ I know you love cats, and I thought it was adorable so I had to put it here ;)

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