Happy Birthday Bella!: Happy Birthday Bella! >:{D

Friday 27 April 2012

Happy Birthday Bella! >:{D

Dear Bella/ Benny/ Ting ting,

As you can see this whole blog is dedicated to that truly special moment when you turn 16! YAY
I have known you for a while but to be honest no where near as long as everyone else has known you BUT i feel as if we have known eachother for years and years and years! I hope you get truly spoilt on your birthday because you out of all people deserve it! I also hope that all of your bithday wishes come true and im guessing they are gonna involve meeting One Direction ;D *cough cough Louis*. Anyway Bella, i hope you have the greatest birthday EVER and enjoy all of the stuff from all of us because unfortunately we dont know you in real life but i hope this is just as good or maybe even better than a physical present! And yeah bro, ILYSM :D Enjoy your sweet 16!

From your friend,
Krystal! xx

Because you are a muffin ;D

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